Oh man! So a lot has happened since the night of the Open House/BBQ. That went well, btw… it was a very long 13 hour work day though. I had a sore throat that day and then the next day woke up with a sinus infection, so I was pretty miserable but we had already made plans with some of the MKs. So on Saturday we went bowling and to the arcade with Austin and Emilee. They have quickly become some of my favorite little people ever! I was feelin pretty yucky though… I even lost in bowling… to everyone. Including 9-year-old Emmy. Yikes. After that we did some grocery shopping and took the kids home. We were able to use the internet at the duplex when we dropped them off so I got to buy some Skype minutes and call some people. After that we had made plans with Nick, so we went and had homemade cake that N-dog made for us and we brought the ice cream. When we sat down to watch a movie though… it all hit me and I was feeling awful. I basically laid on his couch, sneezed, sniffled, and slept for two hours.
The next day we had plans to drive down to Jinja, which is a two-hour drive to check out the retreat center for the youth at HIS. Jinja is where the Nile begins at Lake Victoria. Anyways, so we get to the retreat place and they tell us they cannot accommodate us. Keeping in mind that the retreat was about 17 days away at that point and they were going to handle everything… including the speaking. So we called another place in Jinja, drove over and within an hour had a new place to have the retreat. BUT this meant that we were now in charge of all the lessons, so I would have to take a day, Nick would take a day, and Lisa would take a day. Not a huge deal, just not in the plan. Well, now we’ve found someone, so all Nick and I have to do is come up with games and lead worship. Nice.
Last week I got a new student! Majesty Mukulu did indeed test high enough to get into my class, though he reads at about the 4th grade level. It is nice to have another student, but it has been a challenge to integrate him in since we were already 4 weeks in. We shall see how he did this past weekend with homework and reading. He had a lot to do!

Last week was Spiritual Emphasis week at HIS, so there was a chapel service everyday. There were 3 actually, one for the little, little kids, one for the first through sixth grade, and then one for the high school. I’ve been really feeling burdened for the high schoolers, so I got special permission to sit in and be a part of high school chapel. I had to scramble and find a sub at the last minute to get my morning lessons started, but it worked out just fine. Monday I was still feeling pretty stuffy and sneezy, but someone forgot that Francis wouldn’t be there which meant I was asked to lead worship with about 10 minutes to pick songs and be in there to go. I didn’t have my guitar or a pick, but Nick got me Francis’ guitar. So I lead worship with some old songs I had printed off for our Sunday evening fellowship, no pick, and no voice because of my cold. Can I just say that it was NOT the best way to start my week. I know it was just a bunch of high school kids and some teachers, but it was embarrassing to be so unprepared and sick sounding.
Oh well, moving on. Last week was busy in general, but then on top of that we had our discipleship group and WGM Kampala team meeting. The meetings generally last for 3-4 hours and are draining after a day of teaching. After the meeting we came home and called Lisa to come and talk to us about some stuff having to do with the meeting. It was a tough night. Friday night was relaxing… Lisa, Jean, and I went into the city to the mall area and had dinner and then went back to Lisa’s to watch a movie. Saturday we helped one of the missionary family’s with a kids b-day party and then had Nick over for some dessert and a movie.
Church was good on Sunday. The one we chose to go to was having a youth Sunday, so it was cool to watch and be a part of. We’ve had a work team from Ireland here for a week and a half now and last night we were in charge of hosting them for dinner. So after Sunday evening fellowship we ran home and finished what we had been cooking all day and got our place set up for 13 people to eat. We only have enough places for about 9 to sit, so Jean, Nick, and I sat of the floor. But it was an awesome experience. After dinner and desert we had some worship. Nick just happened to have his drum with him and I played and we all sang to and praised the Lord. It was very good. Then a girl called Natalie lead their evening devotions and then we prayed together. They’re a cool group. They’re only here until Friday, but I’m hoping to spend more time with them.
Today (Monday) we had an unexpected holiday from school because the king of the Busoga Tribe died last week and it is now a national holiday. Nick is kinda keeping an eye on the Sudanese boys while their guardians are in the States, so we went to the beach to play volleyball and football aka soccer. Suti is the oldest, he’s around 17 or 18, they don’t know. He is a rescued child soldier from Sudan. Lino is probably about 16 or 17, he was in the barracks being trained to become a soldier when he was rescued. Angelo aka Taban is around 14 and he was also in the barracks. Lino and Angelo are brothers, but have different fathers. These boys are phenomenal and I can’t wait to get to know them more. Nick is going to bring them here for dinner either this week or next. Plus Angelo and Lino will be on the retreat with HIS, so I’ll get to hang with them more. But anyways volleyball was real fun. A bunch of Ugandans and Kenyans joined in and eventually I was forced out of the game. The boys that joined wouldn’t let me play and Nick was the only one allowing me to hit the ball anymore because women apparently shouldn’t be playing sports. Since I was the only girl playing to begin with, I just submitted and went and sat out. It was ok though because I got to meet 3 Kenyan girls who go to KIU, so I invited them to my discipleship group on Wednesday nights.
So anyways, there are some things that I’ve really got to think about and be in prayer about and I would love for you to join me. I’ve got to be honest and say that lifting my hands in prayer hasn’t been the easiest thing for me to do this week. I’m struggling to be here right now. I feel very much like I am missing out on a ton at home. I don’t know what’s going on in people’s lives and I’m stressed about it. Everyone keeps telling me that things are the same and that they are just working and that’s about it, but it just seems like there’s got to be more. I’ve gone from talking to people everyday and having lots to talk about each day, to talking to them once every 2-3 weeks for about 10 minutes. And now when I talk on the phone I just like to hear what’s going on there because I’ve already talked about what’s going on here with my family or someone, or I’ve written it here. I just like to hear about everyone’s lives and I either don’t get a hold of people or I can’t find a good time to call. I’m 7 hours ahead of my east coast time buddies and 8 hours ahead of my central time homies, so it’s just difficult. Please be praying for me. Pray that I would constantly seek God. Pray that I would shut up sometimes and let others speak. Pray that God would use me with the youth. Pray for my attitude. Pray for my new relationships. Pray for my health. Pray for this nation. Pray for the youth. Pray for my students. Pray for my family at home. Guys, please be praying.
I have some decisions I’ve got to make as to the amount of time I’m going to stay here and when I’m coming home. I don’t want to base this decision off of what I’ll be missing in the States if I stay here. I need to make sure that I leave things in God’s hands and not try to take control. I want to do the work I have been called here to do without distractions.
I have a meeting this week with our WGM field director. Pray for that meeting. I need the right words and an understanding heart. There are some things happening that I don’t care for and I don’t know how much of a voice I have to change them, but I’d like to make myself heard.
So that’s what’s been going on with me. Not too much, but this is the easiest way to let you all know how I’m doing without having to send out a mass email. I love getting your emails and hearing from you, so keep ‘em comin! Be blessed this week, friends. Much love.
ps here is a link to quite a few pictures that are on facebook. Hopefully you're able to view both albums.