This past week I read a book called "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky." This was a read recommended by one of my youth kids in the States, Jodi. She and one other, Jacob are getting ready to come here to Kampala for 3 weeks. In the process of preparing to come Jodi decided to read this book. When she first suggested that I read it, I told her I would have to wait until my Sudanese friends were back in boarding school from their holiday because I knew it would be too difficult to read with them home. The book is the true story of three Lost Boys from Sudan. It is written from their perspectives and follows their stories both individually and together. I went online, downloaded it from Amazon for my kindle app for about $7 and waited.
I was right to read it after they left for school last week... however it's the ones who aren't in boarding school, who I see every day that this book made me think of. Months ago I sat down with each of the guys individually and they told me their life stories. All but two of the stories I heard were of the life of a child soldier. Those two (non-child soldiers) were stories of childhoods lost to the war, families decimated and nonexistent. These two stories that I had already known most of the details of were played out in my mind as I read through this book. The horrors that these three boys in the book faced, two boys who I love dearly faced as well. They were there. They are lost boys.
I didn't even make it through the introduction of the book without feeling sickened. As I read I could see my guy's faces, hear their cries, and understand a bit more about the pain in their hearts. I've known these guys for over three years... I've been their teacher, their friend. I've seen them go through some incredibly difficult times. I've shared life with them and somehow mentored them. God placed me in their lives and I'm so grateful for that. It's not been with ease though. There have been days when the sadness is so thick on their faces that I have to look away. You can see a change in their features when their minds are hundreds of miles north of here.
This weekend I house-sat for the guardians of the guys. They were out of town, so I hung with the guys and their younger "siblings" and made sure order was kept. It was a fairly easy task because they're all pretty good kids. One of the guys and I had a really good, serious conversation about where he's at and what's going on in his head and heart. He's my buddy so it's easy to be honest with him and tell him things like they are. It was really good to catch up a bit and really know how he's doing. Life always gets so busy and we don't always talk about matters of the heart.
Anyways, yesterday before I left for the afternoon I was helping him type up the beginning of his life story while he studied away for finals. He had just the beginning written out and asked me to help with an introduction. I asked some clarifying questions and began writing. After the first few sentences a couple of tears streamed silently down my face. As I wrote the truth of his story down I couldn't help but feel utterly helpless. I have this overwhelming desire to protect him as though he hasn't seen more in his short life time than I ever will in mine. Hearing my pause in typing, he looked up probably to make a sassy remark about me not working and saw that I had tears on my face. This is a no-no because he hates it when people are upset. He just looked at me for a minute and then went back to studying for his finals, not knowing what to say. When I finished typing up what he has written I was getting ready to leave, gathering my things. We talked for a while; I explained my sadness and I saw that same sadness echoed in his eyes.
All of that to say that I HIGHLY recommend reading "They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky". Some of you have heard tiny pieces of stories from me and others. Some of you can remember the stories on the news. This book, though difficult to read because of the subject matter is fantastically written and very informative. As hard as it was for me because I know some of these boys personally, I can't express how important I think it is for people to read this book. I've promised the guys that I won't tell their stories without their permission and I stand by that. However to get a glimpse of the lives of a couple of these guys, read this book. Some of my guys were child soldiers and some weren't... I don't know which life is more horrific. I do know that there is hope in Jesus Christ and my prayer for each of the guys is that they would find this Hope Everlasting. That they would know Jesus and be free. Would you join me in praying for them?
Click on the link above to purchase the book. Much love!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Love and Hate
I've been pretty busy since my plumbing adventure. Life moves so quickly here. I've been here for five months, but it really seems like I just got here. Maybe it's because there was never a huge adjustment. I didn't have to "get back in the swing of things" because coming back here was like coming home. I don't know. Regardless, I'm incredibly excited for my two youth kids, Jodi and Jacob to get here. They arrive in 3 weeks!! Their time is going to be busy and it's sure to make my time fly too. I can't wait! :)
Classes at the Center are still going well. My reading and writing class has been advancing nicely. We are all so comfortable with one another now that they aren't as shy about speaking and they seem to be getting a lot out of the class. I recently subbed for a beginner's class and was blown away by how far along my class seems to be. ESL is definitely not an easy thing to teach. English is a difficult language!
Anyways, I've been staying busy with lots of donor relations, marketing, and other correspondence lately. I think things are going pretty well with all of that. It keeps me busy for sure. I don't have a normal, set schedule every week with the exception of teaching, but somehow it works.
I was blessed to be able to skype with my family last weekend... my whole family as my dad is back from Arizona for the summer now. They had Alexandria's birthday party the day after Dad got home so he could be there. I loved talking to the girls and it was nice to finally "see" my dad again too. Skype is such an amazing gift. I've actually not been awesome at keeping in contact lately, but I do enjoy the fact that I can call people for free or super cheap thanks to decent internet this time. Knowing Jodi and Jacob are coming I've started buying gifts to send home with them. I've found lots of cute little outfits for the girls.
This past Friday was a blessing because two former Heritage students are home for the summer. They are both currently university students in Canada and the US and I haven't seen them since 2009. We surprised one of the current seniors by pulling her out of school for a morning of shopping at Friday market (which she had never been to) and going out to lunch. She is good friends with the two that have just arrived back and we had a blast. Lots of laughter and catch up time ensued as we perused the market. With the senior graduating in a couple of weeks and leaving to go to the States for college, it was nice to find some time to hang.
So anyways, I recently just discovered something that I hate and I thought I'd share it with you. Doesn't this sound pleasant? Convinced to read on? :)
I don't like the word the hate at all, but in this case I think it's the only way to express my emotions on the subject. Someone that I care a lot about came out and told me that he loves me. Now... I know you're thinking that I'm cold-hearted or something, but please give me a minute to explain. I hated it because I don't feel the same way and even though I wanted to lie and say that I did so as not to hurt his feelings, I just couldn't. I hate that I broke someone's heart... knowingly. I hate that someone made themselves completely vulnerable before me and I had to shoot them down. It was so difficult and I felt terrible. For those who know me well you know that it takes a whole lot to make me upset enough to cry, I mean a lot. However I couldn't help but sit there and cry because I know the pain he was feeling due to my response. It's super flattering for someone to express such a deep and real emotion to you. It's an awesome feeling to have someone love you so much, but I didn't feel anything but sad because of it. He definitely deserves someone who will love him back in a way that I just can't. He's an awesome guy, a great friend, and someone I care a whole lot about. Ugh. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to change how you feel so you don't have to hurt anyone. I haven't figured out how to do that yet though and it probably wouldn't help in the long run anyways.
I understand his pain... maybe even more than he does through my own personal experience. I know he'll be ok at some point because I'm ok and that's what is keeping me from wanting to cry right now. Luckily, I think the friendship can stay in tact just fine. I'm praying for his heart to heal quickly.
God is good. His character is good. He's loving and unfailing. His love is perfect and mind-blowing. I'm thankful to be loved by God and so many others. I'm blessed beyond measure. Thank you Jesus for the way that You love me, so I can love others.
Classes at the Center are still going well. My reading and writing class has been advancing nicely. We are all so comfortable with one another now that they aren't as shy about speaking and they seem to be getting a lot out of the class. I recently subbed for a beginner's class and was blown away by how far along my class seems to be. ESL is definitely not an easy thing to teach. English is a difficult language!
Anyways, I've been staying busy with lots of donor relations, marketing, and other correspondence lately. I think things are going pretty well with all of that. It keeps me busy for sure. I don't have a normal, set schedule every week with the exception of teaching, but somehow it works.
I was blessed to be able to skype with my family last weekend... my whole family as my dad is back from Arizona for the summer now. They had Alexandria's birthday party the day after Dad got home so he could be there. I loved talking to the girls and it was nice to finally "see" my dad again too. Skype is such an amazing gift. I've actually not been awesome at keeping in contact lately, but I do enjoy the fact that I can call people for free or super cheap thanks to decent internet this time. Knowing Jodi and Jacob are coming I've started buying gifts to send home with them. I've found lots of cute little outfits for the girls.
This past Friday was a blessing because two former Heritage students are home for the summer. They are both currently university students in Canada and the US and I haven't seen them since 2009. We surprised one of the current seniors by pulling her out of school for a morning of shopping at Friday market (which she had never been to) and going out to lunch. She is good friends with the two that have just arrived back and we had a blast. Lots of laughter and catch up time ensued as we perused the market. With the senior graduating in a couple of weeks and leaving to go to the States for college, it was nice to find some time to hang.
So anyways, I recently just discovered something that I hate and I thought I'd share it with you. Doesn't this sound pleasant? Convinced to read on? :)
I don't like the word the hate at all, but in this case I think it's the only way to express my emotions on the subject. Someone that I care a lot about came out and told me that he loves me. Now... I know you're thinking that I'm cold-hearted or something, but please give me a minute to explain. I hated it because I don't feel the same way and even though I wanted to lie and say that I did so as not to hurt his feelings, I just couldn't. I hate that I broke someone's heart... knowingly. I hate that someone made themselves completely vulnerable before me and I had to shoot them down. It was so difficult and I felt terrible. For those who know me well you know that it takes a whole lot to make me upset enough to cry, I mean a lot. However I couldn't help but sit there and cry because I know the pain he was feeling due to my response. It's super flattering for someone to express such a deep and real emotion to you. It's an awesome feeling to have someone love you so much, but I didn't feel anything but sad because of it. He definitely deserves someone who will love him back in a way that I just can't. He's an awesome guy, a great friend, and someone I care a whole lot about. Ugh. Sometimes it would be nice to be able to change how you feel so you don't have to hurt anyone. I haven't figured out how to do that yet though and it probably wouldn't help in the long run anyways.
I understand his pain... maybe even more than he does through my own personal experience. I know he'll be ok at some point because I'm ok and that's what is keeping me from wanting to cry right now. Luckily, I think the friendship can stay in tact just fine. I'm praying for his heart to heal quickly.
God is good. His character is good. He's loving and unfailing. His love is perfect and mind-blowing. I'm thankful to be loved by God and so many others. I'm blessed beyond measure. Thank you Jesus for the way that You love me, so I can love others.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Plumber's Butt
Last week while doing dishes I discovered that our sink was draining rather slowly. By the time I was done with the dishes it wasn't draining at all. I decided to forget about the drain and go about my day. About 8 hours later I returned home to find that the water had eventually drained, leaving the sink full of nasty debris. I turned the water on just a bit to rise the nastiness out and it still refused to drain. What happens when 4 people want to cook and eat? The sink fills with dishes pretty quickly. And if those dishes aren't done immediately the ants come. And when the ants come they come with the power of a thousand men. (Ok maybe I'm exaggerating, but just a little.)
So this morning one of my roommates decided to tackle the dishes in the laundry room sink. Genius, right? But there was still the matter of the kitchen sink. So after I cooked myself some very yummy Sudanese food (I've been learning from some of the best), ate, and washed my dishes in the laundry room I decided it was time to try to figure out something with the sink. At this point there was standing water/vinegar/baking soda/draino as we tried a home remedy and then a store bought one. There was no drainage happening at all. So I got a bucket and got to work with the help of my roommate, Jean. I began to unscrew the first two pipes and the water/vinegar/baking soda/draino mix came pouring out. Arms covered in goo, I continued to unscrew the next pipe down. More muck and slim came out of that portion of the pipe at well. And then the smell came. I'm talking the type of smell that makes your nose hairs cringe in fear. It was foul. Jean began to gag so I asked her to leave because the gagging makes me sick.
At this point all four of us roommates are fleeing the kitchen because of the smell. I decided that we couldn't just leave the putrid stench pouring out of the pipes. So we gathered the bucket of poo-like water and went outside to dig stuff out of the pipes. We got a good amount of rotting food and other nasty things out, dumped the grotesque liquid, grabbed a stick and went back into the house. With the stench still coming from the pipes I proceeded to dig with the stick and pull out globs of disgusting, black ooze. With my audience behind me I struggled to not run out of the room due to the nastiness of the situation. It had to be done if we wanted to be able to use the kitchen sink though. After all of the horrible stuff was disposed of, we then had the task of trying to put everything back together again.
I sat on the floor and put the pieces of our sink back together, making sure all of the slimy seals were in place to ensure no leakage. As I sat, there was a cool breeze and with the help of my roommates I discovered that I had plumber's butt... not as bad as we generally stereotype plumbers to have. In fact, just a bit of my underwear was showing. However, it was hilarious and we all got a kick out of it. Just another day here in Uganda. This is one of the many reasons that I love it here.
Sure we could have waited and called a plumber and if I was in the U.S. I would have called my brother, brother-in-law, or dad, but it was worth a try. We now have a sink that drains and a smelly house. I think the former makes the latter worth it. It's somehow rewarding to say that we were able to unclog a nasty drain with no help. It also makes for a fun story. :) I hope you enjoyed.
A quick update about the riot situation... This past week was very calm and we had no riots. However, this week will most likely be full of unrest as the president-elect is inaugurated back into office. Please keep Uganda in your prayers. We are prepared and aware at all times so no worries, but do pray. Thanks!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Liz! I love you!
So this morning one of my roommates decided to tackle the dishes in the laundry room sink. Genius, right? But there was still the matter of the kitchen sink. So after I cooked myself some very yummy Sudanese food (I've been learning from some of the best), ate, and washed my dishes in the laundry room I decided it was time to try to figure out something with the sink. At this point there was standing water/vinegar/baking soda/draino as we tried a home remedy and then a store bought one. There was no drainage happening at all. So I got a bucket and got to work with the help of my roommate, Jean. I began to unscrew the first two pipes and the water/vinegar/baking soda/draino mix came pouring out. Arms covered in goo, I continued to unscrew the next pipe down. More muck and slim came out of that portion of the pipe at well. And then the smell came. I'm talking the type of smell that makes your nose hairs cringe in fear. It was foul. Jean began to gag so I asked her to leave because the gagging makes me sick.
At this point all four of us roommates are fleeing the kitchen because of the smell. I decided that we couldn't just leave the putrid stench pouring out of the pipes. So we gathered the bucket of poo-like water and went outside to dig stuff out of the pipes. We got a good amount of rotting food and other nasty things out, dumped the grotesque liquid, grabbed a stick and went back into the house. With the stench still coming from the pipes I proceeded to dig with the stick and pull out globs of disgusting, black ooze. With my audience behind me I struggled to not run out of the room due to the nastiness of the situation. It had to be done if we wanted to be able to use the kitchen sink though. After all of the horrible stuff was disposed of, we then had the task of trying to put everything back together again.
I sat on the floor and put the pieces of our sink back together, making sure all of the slimy seals were in place to ensure no leakage. As I sat, there was a cool breeze and with the help of my roommates I discovered that I had plumber's butt... not as bad as we generally stereotype plumbers to have. In fact, just a bit of my underwear was showing. However, it was hilarious and we all got a kick out of it. Just another day here in Uganda. This is one of the many reasons that I love it here.
Sure we could have waited and called a plumber and if I was in the U.S. I would have called my brother, brother-in-law, or dad, but it was worth a try. We now have a sink that drains and a smelly house. I think the former makes the latter worth it. It's somehow rewarding to say that we were able to unclog a nasty drain with no help. It also makes for a fun story. :) I hope you enjoyed.
A quick update about the riot situation... This past week was very calm and we had no riots. However, this week will most likely be full of unrest as the president-elect is inaugurated back into office. Please keep Uganda in your prayers. We are prepared and aware at all times so no worries, but do pray. Thanks!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Liz! I love you!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Lots of Lessons
It's a cool, cloudy morning here in Kampala. I'm actually sitting under a blanket as I write this and I like it. Things are calm in town and I'm thankful for peace, for the moment at least. I'm sure many of you have heard or read about the rioting going on here. While I won't offer my opinion on the cause of the riots I will say that they have been quite inconvenient. I guess it's a bit silly, but when you have plans to do something and they get marred by tear gas it's frustrating. The riots are pretty contained and we almost always know the areas that they will be in because they begin as peaceful protests. All in all I've never felt unsafe due to the unrest. Friday I was holed up at a friend's compound because rioting broke out on a main road and it's always smart to take precautions. It's never reached the area where I live and I'm guessing that it won't. Regardless, there is a contingency plan in place in case of emergency and we are equipped to handle these kinds of situations. I say all of that to bring comfort to those who constantly worry. I imagine it's difficult being a parent or a parent-type and hearing about chaos in a foreign country where your daughter lives. Please just continue to pray for peace in this country and around the world.
The news that broke yesterday is more of a reason to worry than riots here in town. It's the opinion of some around here that Americans made a mistake and that they're bad people. We received the travel warning for US citizens from the US Embassy yesterday and have been urged to use extreme caution when out and about. Who knew being an American would make you a target? I'm relying on the fact that my skin isn't as pasty as those around me. :) The moral of the story? We need to be on our knees praying for this world. We need to gather as the body of Christ, unified in the name of Jesus, and pray. Prayer is so underutilized, but it's our strongest weapon. We have the power to pray and change lives, but often don't do it because we lack boldness and focus. I'm including myself in the category, btw.
Let me step down from this soapbox now and update you on what I've been up to. As is the norm for me I've been busy. Teaching at the Center is going well and as you all know my class is awesome. One of my students has been ill so I've been to the clinic with her and I'm trying to figure out the best way move forward. It's difficult to help someone who is not a fan of doctors and western-type medicine. It goes against people's culture to treat for certain things as well. Would you pray for healing in this sweet teenager's life? Physical and spiritual. This would be my prayer for all of my friends and students at the Center. Worship seems to be going well and I'm just praying that the language barrier isn't preventing the truth from being heard. Oh Babel.
I've spent much of my time in the last two weeks with my good friends the Ackers and the Sudanese guys. The guys are home from boarding school on holiday and it's been great to sit down and catch up and also learn so much more about them. I've been entrusted with the life stories of two more of the guys. Just like with the others, it's not been easy to listen to, but very eye opening and revealing. I've spent lots of time laughing and playing with the guys too. We all play volleyball, soccer, basketball, Uno, spoons, and other games. There have been little outbursts of dancing (not from me, I can't dance), lots of yummy Sudanese cooking, and best of all... lots of good conversations.
Some of the guys getting ready for the Easter egg hunt
Lino and I after the hunt... he was sad to only get candy, no money
Abraham ended up with the most stuff :)
Now, you know I always spend time with Lino and the others who are not in boarding school and it's always great. This time though, with these others home from school has really got me thinking. Everyday as I chat with the guys I learn something new about African culture. I can't even begin to tell you how much understanding I have gained since sitting down with these guys. I've learned about and got the thoughts behind a man and woman's role in the home and in society, about marriage and what's expected, about mzungus (white people) and the generalizations that come with being white, about America, about Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, about language, about country leadership, about real village life and expectations. Hours have been spent listening to the way life really is out in the bush. The reality of how life is viewed and valued, or not valued at all. How love relates to marriage for some, but not for many. How western influence has been both good and bad for Africans. I feel like I've learned more in the last two weeks than I have in the past few years living in Africa.
It's been so very interesting to gain a bit of understanding. We've talked through different scenarios involving mzungus in their culture. I've learned and haven't even fully understood what it truly means to have nothing and to really not have any idea when you might have another meal. The stories have been informative and intriguing and also heartbreaking. The more I learn, the more I want be immersed in this culture. There are things that I would love to see changed yet there are other things that we could really learn from. I'm still trying to wrap me head around a lot of what I've been learning. I'm incredibly thankful for my friendships with the guys and count myself lucky know each of them. I feel so very burdened for each of them and the more I get to know them the more urgent the burden feels. I would love for you to pray with me for their souls. They don't know Jesus and the reality of their eternity is in the front of my mind every time I'm with them. These men need Jesus.
Other ministries are busy and seem to be going well. Projects are moving forward and though there is much to be done in the next 8 or 9 months, things are where they need to be. In about a month from now my youth kids, Jodi and Jacob will be here and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to show them this place that I love and introduce them to the people who have stolen my heart. They will be helping me run some camps down at Heritage International School along with some of the high school students from the school. Together they will have a soccer, basketball, music, and VBS camp. The camps will run for two weeks and then we will be able to take a safari at Murchison Falls. Would you join me in praying for their ministry while they're here, for their health, and of course for safety and peace. I'm hoping that all is calm by then, but we'll see.
Oh, one more thing... I'm SO grateful for the internet! Thanks to skype I got to watch Alexandria blow out her birthday candles on her 4th birthday with the whole family. It was so fun to be "in" the same room with everyone and sing to my precious niece. Praise the Lord for technology!
Let me know how I can be praying for you, please! Much love!
The news that broke yesterday is more of a reason to worry than riots here in town. It's the opinion of some around here that Americans made a mistake and that they're bad people. We received the travel warning for US citizens from the US Embassy yesterday and have been urged to use extreme caution when out and about. Who knew being an American would make you a target? I'm relying on the fact that my skin isn't as pasty as those around me. :) The moral of the story? We need to be on our knees praying for this world. We need to gather as the body of Christ, unified in the name of Jesus, and pray. Prayer is so underutilized, but it's our strongest weapon. We have the power to pray and change lives, but often don't do it because we lack boldness and focus. I'm including myself in the category, btw.
Let me step down from this soapbox now and update you on what I've been up to. As is the norm for me I've been busy. Teaching at the Center is going well and as you all know my class is awesome. One of my students has been ill so I've been to the clinic with her and I'm trying to figure out the best way move forward. It's difficult to help someone who is not a fan of doctors and western-type medicine. It goes against people's culture to treat for certain things as well. Would you pray for healing in this sweet teenager's life? Physical and spiritual. This would be my prayer for all of my friends and students at the Center. Worship seems to be going well and I'm just praying that the language barrier isn't preventing the truth from being heard. Oh Babel.
I've spent much of my time in the last two weeks with my good friends the Ackers and the Sudanese guys. The guys are home from boarding school on holiday and it's been great to sit down and catch up and also learn so much more about them. I've been entrusted with the life stories of two more of the guys. Just like with the others, it's not been easy to listen to, but very eye opening and revealing. I've spent lots of time laughing and playing with the guys too. We all play volleyball, soccer, basketball, Uno, spoons, and other games. There have been little outbursts of dancing (not from me, I can't dance), lots of yummy Sudanese cooking, and best of all... lots of good conversations.
Now, you know I always spend time with Lino and the others who are not in boarding school and it's always great. This time though, with these others home from school has really got me thinking. Everyday as I chat with the guys I learn something new about African culture. I can't even begin to tell you how much understanding I have gained since sitting down with these guys. I've learned about and got the thoughts behind a man and woman's role in the home and in society, about marriage and what's expected, about mzungus (white people) and the generalizations that come with being white, about America, about Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, about language, about country leadership, about real village life and expectations. Hours have been spent listening to the way life really is out in the bush. The reality of how life is viewed and valued, or not valued at all. How love relates to marriage for some, but not for many. How western influence has been both good and bad for Africans. I feel like I've learned more in the last two weeks than I have in the past few years living in Africa.
It's been so very interesting to gain a bit of understanding. We've talked through different scenarios involving mzungus in their culture. I've learned and haven't even fully understood what it truly means to have nothing and to really not have any idea when you might have another meal. The stories have been informative and intriguing and also heartbreaking. The more I learn, the more I want be immersed in this culture. There are things that I would love to see changed yet there are other things that we could really learn from. I'm still trying to wrap me head around a lot of what I've been learning. I'm incredibly thankful for my friendships with the guys and count myself lucky know each of them. I feel so very burdened for each of them and the more I get to know them the more urgent the burden feels. I would love for you to pray with me for their souls. They don't know Jesus and the reality of their eternity is in the front of my mind every time I'm with them. These men need Jesus.
Other ministries are busy and seem to be going well. Projects are moving forward and though there is much to be done in the next 8 or 9 months, things are where they need to be. In about a month from now my youth kids, Jodi and Jacob will be here and I couldn't be more excited! I can't wait to show them this place that I love and introduce them to the people who have stolen my heart. They will be helping me run some camps down at Heritage International School along with some of the high school students from the school. Together they will have a soccer, basketball, music, and VBS camp. The camps will run for two weeks and then we will be able to take a safari at Murchison Falls. Would you join me in praying for their ministry while they're here, for their health, and of course for safety and peace. I'm hoping that all is calm by then, but we'll see.
Oh, one more thing... I'm SO grateful for the internet! Thanks to skype I got to watch Alexandria blow out her birthday candles on her 4th birthday with the whole family. It was so fun to be "in" the same room with everyone and sing to my precious niece. Praise the Lord for technology!
Let me know how I can be praying for you, please! Much love!
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