I'm sitting in the peace and quiet of the sanctuary at church. No one else is in the building (other than my dog) and I love that it's just me and Jesus right now. Since getting back from the mission trip, I've hardly had time to process because this is the in-between week... next week we have VBS. Summer has been anything but slow, but I like it.
As I sit here and peer out over the empty pews, I think about how just a couple of years ago, this place was foreign to me. It wasn't comfortable. You know when you go to a new place, even a hotel on vacation, and you think how strange it feels? Like last week on the mission trip... the church we stayed in was beautiful, but it was huge. The first few times we traveled from our sleeping area down to the fellowship hall, I felt lost. It felt unnatural. But by the end of the week, thanks in part to my inability to sleep leading to some exploration, I found it simple to navigate. It became comfortable.
This sanctuary is comfortable for me now. I love to be in here. I love to sit at the foot of the cross or on the floor under the alter. I love to sit at the piano and mess around, playing through hymns and worship songs. I love to bring my guitar over and have jam sessions, singing at the top of my lungs. This is a place of comfort. I expect to meet with God when I'm in this room, not that He's not present all day, er'day, but here is different.
I think about the amazing things I saw last week. Over and over again I expressed to the kids how the mission trip is the peak of my year because I get to be with them, serving, without having to plan anything that particular week. It's a time when everything is planned, the Bible lessons and worship are done by the mission organization and I get to just be with my kids. I cherish it. It's completely exhausting, but I love it. We served with a few different ministries throughout the week and we got to spend a good amount of time in Raleigh learning it's history and culture and exploring a bit. What a blessed time with my group.
One of my my favorite parts of the week was our church group time. Every night each church group there met individually and had time just with their own people. It's my fave because I love hearing how my kids are doing and processing the week. I love singing and worshipping just in our group. I love praying for them. I love how much they love each other. I love getting a feel for where my kids are at spiritually. It's such a vital time and really helps me connect with them.
I have to say... they did an amazing job. They all worked really hard and connected with the people we worked with AND they did it without any complaining. I am thoroughly impressed with them. They were joyful. They were strong even when they were exhausted. They all got along. The best part for me to see was that they were hungry for Jesus. They really wanted to know more about Him. They experienced Him in new ways and I think many of them came to love Him even more. They asked really good questions and were very open and honest with both me and one another. During morning devos, they thought through our discussions, didn't just give Sunday school answers.
My absolute favorite part of the whole week was when they said they wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit and His role. Um, yeah we can talk about that! It happened to be the last night at about 11:30pm when that was brought up, so we agreed that we'd have that convo in the cars on the way home thanks to our walkie-talkies! So we did. In two separate vehicle, driving down the highway, we talked about the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord for kids who ask questions! How cool are they, seriously though?? I have to say, I was quite nervous that I wouldn't be able to answer well or that they wouldn't understand... and truthfully, I didn't know everything, but the Holy Spirit was present and His words were louder than my own.
I watched a group of kids in tight quarters, in an unfamiliar city, come together and serve. They understand the Great Commission a little more. They know that being a believer means being a person of action, ready and willing to carry out the Gospel... even if that looks like cleaning a toilet. Amazing, right?
I saw a beautiful picture of Christ's Church in my group last week. They came together and just did it. They were Jesus to people who don't encounter Jesus every day. They loved when it was hard to love. Tears stream down my face as I type this because I am so excited for these kids. I'm so excited to see how else God will use them and how else they will walk in obedience and say "yes."
It has me thinking about the state of the Church in the U.S.. It's been my opinion for years now that the North American Church is a sleeping giant. It's here, but for the most part it doesn't act or look like the Church I read about it the book of Acts. I see pews full of people, but I don't see the amount of fruit you'd expect to see from such numbers of pew-sitters. I see people who come to church to be served, but who don't do much serving of their own. I see lots of people who attend church, but not as many people who's lives reflect their time at church. I hear lots of complaining that things aren't the way people want them, but see unwillingness to make changes. I hear the Word preached, but I don't always see a response to the call to action (the Word being lived out). I see a church desperate for resources and volunteers, but a lot of averted eyes when the plea is placed. I hear lots of talk about love and grace, but don't see them extended unless it's convenient or being given to someone who looks and believes the same. I see a world crumbling down, but watch the news and see that politics and the latest diet trend are more important than the starving, sick, and homeless. I see sin being ignored and lots of double lives being lived.
What's the answer? Jesus. If we are walking in complete obedience to Him, always saying yes, even to the hard stuff, then we are being sanctified, being made more like Him. If that were happening, I believe the Church would look different. We would know Christ, really know Him. We would hear His voice so clearly. People wouldn't be content to sit in their pews and talk about their relationship with God... they would have to get up and move... it would show, they wouldn't have to talk about it. They would have to be an action people. They would say no to sin and stop making excuses for it... they would strive to live like Christ. To let go of their stuff and trust God to be enough for them. He's more than enough.
I saw more of this this past week on the mission trip than I've seen in a long time. No, my kids aren't perfect and yes, they will continue to be crazy teenagers, but for a week, they got a taste of the real Church. What it's like to be a part of the body of Christ that isn't asleep or sick. And it's beautiful.
I so long to see revival. To see the Church wake up, get healthy, and move forward. Please, Lord Jesus! I long to see my brothers and sisters (and me) say only "yes" to God. To set themselves aside. To proudly live for Christ... which looks like humility, service, and LOVE. I long to see a people tired of making excuses and keeping one foot out the door. I long to see Christ's bride, looking lovely and fighting hard for her bridegroom. I long to journey through this life partnered with a man who is walking in obedience to God... ready to serve, ready to love, ready to be Jesus to the least of these with a life dedicated to Christ.
Come Lord Jesus. Free us from ourselves and our selfish desires and tendencies. Give us the courage to walk in obedience and love. Give us your heart and your eyes. Let us look beyond these 4 walls. Amen.