I write these words mostly for myself. As a reminder of my Hope and a reminder of my motivation. People tend to shy away from holding each other accountable because it's hard. It's really hard sometimes!! But I hope that each of you love me enough to hold me accountable to these things.
Anyways... I cannot thank you all enough for an awesome birthday and new year!! I was blessed beyond belief by my friends and family. After spending Christmas being sick, it was amazing to be able to celebrate by seeing SO many of my favorite people on earth!
My bestest friend ever, Michelle was here so I spent the day before my b-day getting pretty with her. We got our nails done and had a blast! Then on my b-day I got to skype with another bff, I was woken up by multiple phone calls and texts, and the first thing I heard the second that I opened my bedroom door was, "Happy Birthday!!!" I had a very relaxing day all leading up to a night with my friends and family and being blessed by each of them. I had friends on their way home from Virginia and instead of going home they came to my dinner, friends drove out from the city to come, another friend drove 4 hours! It was all really amazing to me. I was overwhelmed by the amount of emails and facebook messages from people around the world. I was floored by people's love for me, but more floored by their love for Jesus. I asked on facebook for people to donate to Jade and Shelah Acker's (Lino's family) mission, Refuge and Hope International in honor of my birthday. I was hoping that one or two people would donate a little, but instead my goal was reached and is going to be exceeded!! How amazing that you guys would choose to bless me so greatly by blessing those that are so important to me. Amazing! Jesus is amazing! Last year on my b-day I was blessed so much by the Acker family, so this year I wanted to return that blessing to them and thanks to Jesus and my friends and family it happened! Praise the King Of Kings!
My good buddy, Trent had gotten here on my b-day, so we spent New Years Eve together in Chicago. I was able to see some amazing friends along the way into the city which was fabulous! We got to my good friend's, Blake and Emily's house in Chicago and spent a little time with them before venturing out in the freezing cold to explore city a bit. After our first walk to the "L" it was obvious that finding a nice warm movie theater made the most amount of sense, so we saw a movie, then just as I was thawing out we ventured back out into the cold and walked over to meet up with some other friends for a bit. After hanging with them, Trent and I hopped on a bus (we had to keep warm for as long as possible and walking would NOT have accomplished that) and headed down to Navy Pier for fireworks.
So needless to say it was very fun and adventurous and I am blessed beyond measure by the time with my friends and family. The promise of newness and freshness for the new year is exhilarating and I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store. I'm thankful for His promise and in awe of His faithfulness.
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