The youth mission trip with Wheatland Salem went really well. I had the amazing opportunity to get to know some really awesome kids and adults leaders even better than I could have imagined. The worksite that I was placed on was a ton of fun and the resident that we worked for was a major blessing. She was about 80 years old and had some very heart breaking, yet hopeful stories of living in Birmingham during the Civil Rights movement. I can't begin to describe all of the things that she saw and experienced during that time, but it definitely became more real for me that week. She stood very firm on Psalm 23 and the Lord being her shepherd, and that's what has carried her this far. I was the site devo leader so each day I would read some scripture and then talk it through, but when I would finish, Ms. Willie would give her take on things. The wisdom of the elderly is a great thing.
Other than the worksite, there was a ton of time to fellowship with the kids. We got to hang out a bunch and just enjoy each other. They are a very fun group of kids and I count myself lucky to have been able to spend so much time with them. The Lord really moved in the hearts of some and it was very cool to see some changes being made.

One of my favorite parts of the week was the driving. I had all seniors in my van and I've been helping to lead the senior small group at sunday school, so it was pretty sweet for me to hang out with those kids before they all leave me and go to college.
Anyways, since being home from B-ham I've been kept pretty busy with work and hanging out with the youth and friends. My good friend Laura had her baby and I was able to go visit him the week after he was born. He's just perfect! So sweet. I love being able to see Laura and Tripp as parents... they are fantastic and I love them so much. Here I am with David Grant IV

Every weekend has been full of fun times. Some of the youth came out to my house one Sunday afternoon and we drove out to Starved Rock for some hiking. We had a blast exploring, deer whispering, hiking down into canyons, and playing in caves. My best friend from college, Ashley came in one weekend and we had a good time catching up, seeing movies, and just being lazy. I always love the time I get to spent with her... and it was also cool to have her come to church with me because it's such a huge part of my life. The youth kids also decided to drive out one day during the week last week, so we went fishing at Silver Springs right on the Fox river by my house. It was so fun to just hang out and love on them before school starts and gets in the way of fun times. We played a little frisbee, did some hiking, tried to catch guppies with our hands, played with the remote control boat they brought, and then hung out at my house. I'm so honored to be someone that the kids really enjoy spending time with. The Lord has really opened up doors for good relationships, mentoring, and opportunities to share His love. What a blessing!
This past weekend was the youth kick off at New Hope Presbyterian. So I took two of the girls from my youth group (Jodi and Morgan) down to hang out with me and Trent and his youth. The girls had been asking me if they could come to Indy with me and it was the perfect weekend for it. The drive was so much more fun with the girls with me plus we had a blast hanging out with Trent.

Beyond the silliness of hanging with the youth I had the opportunity to mentor one of Trent's youth kids that I've built a good relationship with. God has opened up a huge door there and I love that I get to be a part of it. I also got to meet and have coffee with one of the other adult leaders who had come on the mission trip with us back in July, Jill. She is an amazingly fun, strong woman who I just love! She has quickly become one of my favorite people ever.

On a different note, my trip to Uganda has been delayed until January. The missionaries that I will be working directly with are not going to be back in Uganda until then, so for now I'm State-side for a while. I've gone through a variety of emotions since hearing that I'm delayed, but in seeking the Lord I've found a peace about the timing. God is sovereign and His timing is perfect. So for now I get to be around. I'm not sure what the next 5 or so months look like, but I know that the ministry I've been given will continue to grow and I'm very excited about having extra time with the people I love before I leave again.
My best friend, Carley is due to have her first baby this Friday and I am really excited that I'll get to hang out with baby girl for a while before I head off again. I'm so thrilled for another baby girl to love on and spoil... being an aunt is so much fun!!
I'm currently looking into housing options and a possible job change, so I'd really appreciate prayer on that. Would you also pray for patience and a continued peace about being delayed and timing? Thank you for sticking with me as my journey continues. I appreciate all of the prayers, love, and support you've shown over the past few years. Please don't hesitate to send prayer requests to my email! Much love!
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