Leading up to my departure, my schedule is booked out. This month is full of trips to Indy, birthdays, holidays, etc. Next month I'm sure I'll be heading to Indy a few times to spend time with and say goodbye to the kids there. Then Christmas, my birthday, and New Years will keep me busy, along with college kids being home on break and my high school bff being in town. I leave for a quick trip to Lakeland, Florida from January 6-10 to visit my bff, Stacy and hopefully meet her new baby girl if she's born by then. I come back from that and leave to go on the high school winter retreat with my church Jan 14-16, and then a few days later I leave the country.
When I see it all written out like that it seems a bit insane. Honestly though, my love language is time spent so for me it's really important to see people and spend time with them, even if that means driving/flying everywhere to be with people I love. Plus as you all know I get bored when I'm not busy so this will help the time to pass.
Of course I'm filled with mixed emotions and the thought of leaving all of you guys makes me sad, but I know that I'm ready for the year ahead of me and there's a lot to look forward to there. Plus, life goes on here and before you know I'll be back and ready to rock... and by rock I mean start grad school. :)
On a completely different note, it's only Tuesday and this week has been filled with sadness. I found out yesterday that my second cousin passed away. He was a really cool guy, always so sweet. My grandpa used to be bff with him, so he was around a lot. He'll be missed. On top of that, my roommate from Uganda, Jean emailed yesterday to tell me that Obeti, the little boy who used to live on my compound in Uganda died. He was maybe 4 years old at most. He was the son of our guard, only spoke Swahili (and maybe some french as they were Congolese), and was a really sweet little guy. He was always excited to help out, opening and closing the gate for us and we came and left, greeting us, playing happily on the small compound. It makes me sad to think that he spend a lot of his short little life inside the walls of a compound, no other kids to play with, no toys, and very little food.

If I was sitting out on the couch playing guitar he would make his way and sit on our stoop and play with a stick or something and just listen. Even though there was very little verbal communication between us, I knew that he cared about Jean and I. The cause of his death is unknown because autopsies don't occur, but there is suspicion that he was poisoned by a neighbor. Can you imagine? I know it's hard to understand, but this is not completely uncommon. His family had already lost another boy, so now it's just the mother, father, and a little girl. Please pray for the family. Pray for Congo and for peace in that war-torn nation. Every day hundreds are dying or being taken into war as slaves. Pray for Jean, myself, and others affected by Obeti's life.
Beyond those deaths, one of my best friends is experiencing the slow loss of his grandma and dealing with the emotions of a family in mourning. Then a friend of the family just lost two people very close to him too. It seems like death is surrounding us on all sides these days. Thankfully the Lord is victorious over death!! Death has lost it's power! Hallelujah!!
Thanks again to all of you who have supported me in prayer over the last few years as the ministry here and overseas has been moving forward. God is so good. I appreciate you all! Be checking back for updates as plans to depart move forward. Much love!
Christina, it must be relieving and exhilarating to finally have a departure date! I remember when you were first leaving for Africa and it brought me to tears every time we hung out. Well, no tears now, PRAISING THE LORD for your service to his precious African children. I will pray that the death surrounding you will only spur you to share about Jesus and His promises. Love you.
We just got back from Uganda! I will keep you in my prayers. Blessings to you!!!
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