Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Concert and My Best

Chamuka!  This is my 200th post on this blog!

When I heard that Chris Tomlin was going to be on tour and coming to a city near me, I expressed interest in going to the show.  My lovely friend, Allan was gracious enough to "surprise" me with tickets.  So this past Friday evening we mini-road-tripped it to Baltimore for the show.  A few things you may or may not know about me... I love "surprises", I love road trips (no matter how short or long), I love worshipping God, I love adventure, I love music, and I love good conversation and good company.  So was Friday a good day?  Um, yeah!

What made it even more exciting was that I had never been to two of the States that we went through!  I love seeing and experiencing new places.  Not that Delaware is much of an experience.  (Wayne's World, anyone?  "Hi, I'm in Delaware.")  Never having been to Maryland, I was pretty excited to see Baltimore.  It's really small, but it was cool to see Camden Yards.  We were supposed to get dinner at the harbor, but I was late getting ready because I had subbed that morning, so we didn't have time.  I'd like to go back and actually explore a bit more.  I hear there's an awesome aquarium too.  Sounds like it's worth another trip.  :)

Anyway, the concert was a huge blessing to me.  I had never seen Chris Tomlin live before.  I wasn't completely blown away by the musicianship, but I loved the passion behind the music.  It was very clear that he loves to worship God and it was easy to worship with the 10,000 other people raising their hands in praise.  He played a decent variety and of course played the well known ones, making the worship experience even that much better.  There are only a few songs that have the ability to draw tears from my eyes and he happened to play one of them.  The feeling of absolute awe overwhelms me every time and I can't help but raise my hands to God.  So good.  Our drive home was fast... Baltimore is much closer than I thought.  I thoroughly enjoyed our mini road trip and I'm thankful for Allan.

The next day, Saturday, the praise team and I spent about 3.5 hours practicing for this Friday's worship night.  I'm really looking forward to an evening of worship music and scripture... a time to rest with God and exalt His name.  In Uganda I was a part of a worship studio called Studio_10 and we frequently did worship nights... they were always a blessing.  Music calms my soul, quites my mind, and allows me to be focused on Jesus.  I find that I can push all other things aside when I'm playing/singing for Him.  So, I'm really excited to start doing worship nights here.  The other musicians that I play with are all pretty amazing at what they do.  It's a privilege and an honor to play/sing with such talent... especially because they love worshiping God too.  They're all able to play multiple instruments too... so this Friday we are all playing at least two different instruments.  I'm praying for God to be glorified by the use of the talents that He's given us.  "He must become greater; I must become less."  Wise words, John the Baptist! 

Anyways, Piper and I walk about 4 miles everyday and today on our walk I made it a point to stay off my phone and just enjoy the walk.  With my iPod on shuffle, blaring in my ears, it was the perfect day for a long walk.  We were about a half mile from home when an old Foo Fighters song came on.  It's from the early 2000's and was one of the band's most popular songs.  Let's be real, if I recognize it from when it came out, it must have been being played on a top 40 station.  Admittedly, at the time of the song's release I was far from being a Foo Fighters fan, but recently I've been introduced to them and I'm really enjoying myself so far.  

The song struck me today for a few reasons.  Mostly because even though I know the lyrics are about breaking away from things that are confining and not allow others to have power over you, that's not how I heard them today.  Today I heard God asking me who I am giving my best to.  (Yes, God does speak through songs that aren't written by Chris Tomlin, Hillsong, or even a Wesley, believe it or not.)  ;)  I have a tendency to people please... probably more than I should, but God was asking if I desired to give Him my best, and not just those around me.  Am I willing to work hard on our relationship, not just my relationships with others?  A huge part of my job is spending time building relationships with the congregation and that's one of the areas that I believe God has gifted me in.  (It's one of the reasons I feel led to get my Masters in counseling.)

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship."  Romans 12:1 (NIV)

"Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'"  Matthew 22:37 (NIV)

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me.  The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."  John 14:21 (NIV)

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving."  Colossians 3:23-24 (NIV)

God, help me to give You my best.  Forgive me for giving You less than that some times.  You alone are worthy.  Amen.

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