Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Job in Jeopardy?

Man, this has been a good week already.  I had the opportunity to preach on Sunday while our senior pastor was out of town.  As I worked on my sermon last week I struggled to make a decision about what the focus needed to be.  As with any time I'm working on a sermon, my goal is to make it relevant and to point to Christ.  What happened to be relevant for this Sunday?  Politics, right?

It's inappropriate to speak on politics from the pulpit.  It's faux pas.  It could put one's job in jeopardy if done in the wrong way.  However, it was something that I didn't want to back away from or ignore.  I'm fairly politically charged and I do my best to be educated.  Though, I do have to say it's not something I feel qualified to debate about.

All of that said, as I was looking through scripture, praying, and seeking the Lord's leading for my sermon I felt lead to talk about the responsibility of being informed... not only politically, but more importantly spiritually.  The sermon ended up being titled "Canvassing for Christ" and challenged believers to be so well informed about Jesus that they would be comfortable actually canvassing for Christ... to be so confident and passionate in what they believe that they just can't keep it to themselves and feel compelled to share it with others.

One of the little tiny sidebars in the sermon touched on the Church being united and sharing in absolutely everything.  As we look at the early Church and see how the believers prayed together, worshipped together, ate together, lived life together, kept nothing for themselves, and spread the word, how can we think it's ok to do any different?

Even using a political illustration (no party names were mentioned, but it was obvious who I was talking about) from my college days, I got good feedback from the congregation.  Who knows if they were just being nice about, but I truly believe that the Holy Spirit was speaking to some hearts and I'm grateful for the opportunity to be used by God in such a way.  I'm also relieved because this was the first time that I didn't have to make major changes to a sermon at the last minute.  God had spoken very clearly to me which put me at ease early.  Usually the Saturday before I give a sermon I'm super high strung.  This was a nice change.

So aside from the whole preaching thing, this week has been good for many other reasons.  One of those reasons is that I've blessed to witness the Church (note the capital C) step up with generosity... even for silly things.  My laptop's warranty is about to expire so I decided to take it in and request a new battery (mine got fried in Uganda) and there was also a problem with the dvd drive.  They told me it would take 2-3 weeks.  I wasn't thrilled about being without a computer for that long, (first world problems) but the reality is that I've got a smart phone so I wouldn't be without internet and I live next door to the church where I have access to a computer and internet.  Nonetheless, not having my computer would be a bit of an inconvenience.  I happened to mention that I'd be without a computer on Sunday and no more than 2 hours later a member of the congregation was on my porch with an extra laptop for me to use while mine is being fixed.  Amazing.

Another (very silly) reason for the good week is that I have a working Nintendo again!  I mentioned on fb that I was looking into getting a "new" one since mine hasn't worked in about 5 months.  Within days of it being mentioned, I had a working NES delivered to me by someone who happened to read about my "need".  Could I live without a game system, um, duh, but I do have to say that I'm super grateful for this little blessing because I enjoy mindless entertainment sometimes.

Yet another reason for this good week is that when I walked into work today I was greeted with, "Yay!!  Christina's here!!"  Followed by a wonderful group of women presenting me with a basketful of gifts.  It's a belated welcome basket and I'm very grateful and also humbled by their generosity.  Best way to start a work day?  I think, yes.  I can't imagine feeling more welcome!  :)

You think I'd be done, but alas I have more reasons to share quickly.  Relationships continue to grow.  From lunch dates with fun ladies to impromptu hang out times at my house, I love getting to know people.  The youth are always surprising me... in fact, today I got a celebratory phone call today from one of them sharing a (ridiculous) personal victory.  I love how the level of comfort is growing.  I still have so much to learn and so many relationships to build, but I'm feeling encouraged this week.  I've even had the pleasure of spending some time with two future youth kids (they're too young right now) and I'm very excited about what God is going to do.  ALSO, I got a plane ticket home for Christmas, my golden birthday, and new years eve!  I'm so excited!!

Last but definitely not least, God is good.  He is always good.  Whether this week has been good or bad, He's good.  His Word is true and constant.  He never changes, even when I do.  I'm so beyond thankful for these truths.  It's nice to rest in my Savior tonight.

When peace like a river, attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
WHATEVER my lot, Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.

It is well, it is well with me soul.

Though satan should buffet, though trials should come
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

It is well, it is well with me soul.

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